I wrote to silver last week, and she answered back. I'd like to share our correspondence with you…

Dear Silver,

I’m a big fan. You offer so many important benefits to an investor, and at such a low price. You’re a permanent store of value. You’re nobody else’s liability, so I know when I buy you, I’m not relying on anyone else to live up to their end of the bargain in a crisis. You are available in sizes that make you affordable for everyone and have been used as money for thousands of years.

You’re the history and you’re the future. Which is why it’s amazing to me you’re so unappreciated in the present.

I’m incredibly excited that I get the opportunity to acquire all your powerful attributes at a 70% discount from your record high, set this day 8 years ago, especially when all the reasons I bought you at $40 are even more relevant today than back then. I fully understand the explosive potential you hold, but I have to admit, the wait can sometimes be frustrating.

Is your price weakness almost over, or is it here to stay?

Jeff Clark, devoted silver investor

Here's her polite response:

Dear Mr. Clark,

I understand your frustration. The past eight years have not been fun.

But I have good news for you and your fellow investors. Things will soon change – and when they do I can assure you that you will be very happy with me.

There are five things I would like you to know…

#1: I Am MONEY, No Matter What

Buy me in physical form and you get benefits most other assets don’t offer....

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